Friday, April 15, 2011

You think you Love your club? Think again

Many of us have proclaimed that we love our club, especially after a couple of pints when they are thrashing your mates team by 3 goals to nil and you are just generally pretty delighted. Many of us living here in Asia or Australia have also uttered the words "man what I wouldn't give to be at that game" for most of us it stays at that though, a quick remark, a few thoughts spend reminiscing over times at the park, be it Anfield, Allianz Area or god forbid the Theater of "dreams".

No so for 50-year-old Ian "Waggy" Wagstaff, who is currently living and working in Australia. To see his beloved Bolton Wanderers play at Wembley that when his boss refused to let him go, he did what any sensible fan would have done, he quit! Yeah you read that right, now Mr. Wagstaff (if you ever read this) with all due respect, What the F*ck? Did you just quit your just to watch one football game? Shit, call in sick for a few days? Or better yet just watch in on TV, I mean come on its not like Bolton is actually going to win this thing. But I guess 1958 is a long time ago and you are all hoping for the next FA cup in your cabinet.

Anyways its the man's choice and who am I to criticize him, I mean if I had enough balls I might do the same, so for Mr. Wagstaff I really hope Bolton wins and let me say its good to see that there are at least a few proper Football fans here in down Under.

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