That the glory, fame and fortune doesn't hit the spot like it used to? That your life has more meaning..

LRMR: Morning James, we've just done a merger with FSG. Within the contract agreements you've now got a share in Liverpool Football club in the United Kingdom!
LeBron: Um, right. Is that like the team David Beckham played for?
LRMR: Not exactly James.. here, we've got their club captain on the phone, he'll explain everything..
5 minutes later..
LRMR: So, what do you think James?
LeBron: I didn't understand one word that dude said. All I got was garbling, something about an An-Field and 18 titles.. is that good?
LRMR: Well the fans never stop going on about it and they have these big banners and flags proclaiming to be the best English club. Nobody would go to that effort if it wasn't true?
LeBron: I suppose. Okay so prep for the press conference?
LRMR: Just mention the 18 titles.. gets them going everytime.
So LeBron and Liverpool. King James and King Kenny. Would love to see LeBron attend a match but in reality, this whole deal was done to allow LRMR and James LeBron easier access to the Asian ( and more specifically, Chinese ) market through Liverpool Football clubs popularity in the East.
One thing I'd like to know.. If Manchester United nick Reina in the next transfer window.. would LeBron be a suitable replacement?

Fact of the day: Jay-Z is an Arsenal supporter. Tom Hanks is a Villian and Will Ferrel is a Chelsea fan. The only celebrity supporter of Man United I could find.. was a hobbit. There's a joke there..
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