Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Getafe sold to Royal Emirates Group, wants to be called ‘Team Dubai’

NOOOO!"UAE-based holding company chaired by Sheikh Butti Bin Suhail Al Maktoum of The Emirates' ruling family has bought 14th-place La Liga side Getafe" F-That, excuse my direct swearing, but seriously I have had it with foreign investors coming in and buying everyone's team. These teams have tradition, history, most of them were founded by a few drunk villagers (raiders anyone?) that decided they wanted to start a team, they worked their ass off to come from the 15th county side division II to make it to the top league of their respected countries, only to see Americans/Russians/Arabs come in and say "uhhh nice team you got, how much? 90million? Hah! Peanuts, here keep the change, alright where are the hoops in this sport?" Seriously there should be a FIFA law against this.

Let's be honest here, how many people do you know that 10 years ago if you would have told them that you support chelsea they would have a) paid you out cause they were average at most b) shaken their head and asked why you don't support ManU. Now you go to the smallest Kampung in the jungle of Sulawesi in Indonesia and you'll spot a kid with a Drogba Jersey telling you it's the best team in the world. It isn't it simply isn't! Now I am not saying you shouldn't support Chelsea, that's not my point at all, I'm just fed up with these big shots coming in buying a club, pumping it full with money (yes I'm looking at you Man City) and then buying all new players and winning stuff. That isn't sport.

I've got nothing against investing in a team, it's every ones right and sure it sounds like fun, but seriously, help them pay their debt, modernize their stadium, get 2 or 3 big names to help the club out, but don't restructure the entire team, if you want to do that then do what SAP's owner has done to Hoffenheim, sure he invested some money, he built a stadium, but he also took a club from the 6th division to the first division, yes that took 7 years, but that shows dedication, not your typical *unravel rope, show $$, check FIFA 11 for player with highest stats, tell agent you want that 12 year old kid genius that dribbles around everyone at the Nou Camp, name starting with M*

If you really want to make a difference in the Football world, invest in your own league, and I'm not even saying buy a team, I mean help the league to progress, invest in infrastructure, build better stadiums, promote more teams, win international events like the champions league (whether it is the American/Asian/European one) and raise awareness for football fans around the world to watch your league, sure that takes time and isn't as fancy as saying you own a team in Manchester even though you know jack **** about football and still call it soccer, (tell me then why is it Fc and not Sc). The premier league, Bundesliga, La liga all weren't created in a day or a week, put some effort in it and maybe your home league will become something football fans around the world will gather around their tellies for every weekend to watch.

Lastly if you buy a team, respect the fans, they are the ones that are in the stadium, whether its 35C or -15 they are there, they are the ones canceling family holidays to drive to your away games, they understand football and I'll be damned if you can show me one real Getafe Fan, that has stayed on through thick and thin, that will devout his own time to paint banners saying "Team Dubai" not even if you donate the turban to paint it on!

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