Friday, April 22, 2011

End of year party dirty tackle award

So Tenby AFC, who play in the Pembrokeshire 1st Division had a bit of a party, and when I say party, I don't mean your usual team social, because that wouldn't see someone in hospital. The had their end of season party, which is fair enough, got drunk again why not and then I'm going to directly quote what happened because there is no way I can explain this better "It was a bit of horseplay that went ­ seriously wrong. We'd all had a few drinks when one of the lads did a moonie. A player picked up a pool cue and it all went wrong from there." Seriously, I've been drunk around teammates before, and I have played pool on those occasions as well, perhaps there was even one or the other bare ass being shown but never ever did the thought cross my mind "I'll just ram this up there, the lads will piss themselves laughing." The guy is still in Hospital! I mean how much force could have been used there, seriously?

That said it does sound like one hell of a party, perhaps the sort where our sneaky mate Wayne might have had a good time?

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