Sunday, June 19, 2011

Monday morning funnies

Its the off season so there isn't really much happening in the trendy game of football, well the women's world cup has just started so that might be getting some posts on the blog once Luke decides to wake up from Hibernation but until then let me start off your shitty week with my two favorite videos so far this Monday morning.

The first one is the new Wii advert featuring the Redknapp family,personal favorite is when big man Harry questions who inked him like any of us do when we play Mario cart with the mates and his missus, not pictured is when Harry's pimp hand comes out when he finds out twas precisely that missus that inked him that later on proclaims "I love beating you.. chuckle" I didn't know they had Wii's in the kitchen, apologies for that, it's still early here in Melbourne

Next is a clip from the English U-21 teams training ground which shows you that no matter how shit your morning is, it can't be as bad as that guys. Not only did he get smacked in the face, but the damn ball didn't even go in!, great jump by the goalie though, too bad he missed the ball and did absolutely nothing, but I guess he can join a great line of English keepers there.

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